My friend Hannah left me a comment on here about a different approach to "dieting". Eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch, a pauper for dinner.
Essentially, one would eat a big breakfast with protein and fruit, a medium lunch with lots of veggies and a very small dinner. I think I'm going to try it out. I hadn't really decided what I was going to be doing this go around. I was thinking of going the smoothie route in the morning, followed by a sensible lunch and a normal dinner. But, when I do things like that I notice that I'm STARVING throughout the day and I end up eating more because of it. And, I really don't want to count points or calories or anything really. I'm kind of over that. I just want to eat without doing math. :) So, why not try this approach for a bit and see how it goes? I'm starting today, so we'll see if I'm not as hungry as normal.
Yesterday I didn't do the king, prince pauper thing and I noticed that I was hungry all day . I ate a packet of oatmeal in the morning, then some cutie oranges for a snack. Then for lunch I had some turkey rice soup and a couple crackers. Then I was still hungry at like 1pm, so I made a couple of tortilla wraps that I shared with my kids. Then I ate dinner, which was potatoes with kielbasa and then some cabbage and bread. And I ate a cupcake after dinner. But, I was hungry all day until dinner, and I ate way too much at dinner time. Lately I've been on a cupcake making kick. Which I find to be a lot of fun, and I try to give away most of the cupcakes that I make, but I still end up eating a few of them. You have to taste what you create, right? I don't really want to stop making cupcakes, because I really enjoy making them and seeing what combos turn out well and if I can create something as good as a cupcake bakery. And, it's not like I'm making cupcakes everyday, just every now and then.
I'm rambling. Anyway, today I'm starting fresh with the eat like a king "diet". I hope this will be my key to success. We shall see.
I’ve miss y’all.. Let’s rebuild together!
2 years ago